Patriotism, while Walking and Chewing Gum, And Flags, Yeah Flags

4 min readOct 17, 2022


Looking backwards, we cannot be surprised how we got here. There have been many excellent deconstructions, from Ava Duvernay’s 13th, to Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste, to Jane Mayer’s Dark Money — all wonderful content that paints pictures of rich elites fomenting racial discord by connecting dots in thoughtful, measured, ways. Gazing into the future, one can only hope, actually — demand — that the last gasp of white supremacy thinking gets over themselves, and finds the better part of their human nature, and evolves. And that we as an American society evolve and embrace both the individual spirit, and also the need to work in community to provide public goods like education, health care, employment safety nets, equitable tax systems. And yeah, maybe along the way, hold rich elites, that do not want to honor the American society that enabled their fortunes, simply accountable and even perhaps, grateful for the economic ecosystem of America, including the respect for the rule of law.

So for this current moment, considering the here and now, and thinking about the next few weeks, I vote for a reaffirmation of true patriotism and the wresting of the flag from a bunch of blowhards that vandalized our Capitol. So true patriotism might start at the top with Congress, specifically the Senate. Might they demonstrate that they can walk and chew gum simultaneously by fulfilling their legislative duties promptly and responsibly — and also serve an American people wracked by a pandemic and its economic impacts by allowing a new Executive Branch try their hand at being competent, passing legislation and funding to serve the people. Might they remember, “elections have consequences”? So many of us, of all colors and ages and persuasions work hard, work overtime when we need to — getting the job done. Can the Senate get the job done, or are they just a bunch of lazy, mostly old white guys that need to retire. We shall see.

Which leads me to the rest of us. We are trying to make a living, support and enjoy our families, live our fullest lives. We have hunkered down. Now we need to reach out, and we need to demonstrate our commitment to the American Experiment. The trappings of patriotism are superficial — uniforms, flags, the recitation of portions of historic, documents, songs, standing, and praying for the nation. Civic participation and civil society is so much more than that. But hey, maybe this isa a moment for flags. And songs, and celebration. Especially from progressive folks that can get skittish around such trappings. Think radically, co-opt this white supremacy terrorism movement and take control of the flag. Rabbi Lerner spoke years ago of how progressive spirituals ceded the religious spaces to the narrow, shallow, shadowy vision of the “moral majority”.

Applied to the current political climate, we must not let the symbols of our nation be only embraced right wing extremist terrorists. These symbols are our symbols, with so much blood spilled by black and brown peoples, serving in world wars and other conflicts. And so many people of color have shown so much patience and restraint in a society that has had difficulty honoring all its citizens, embracing their full humanity. For all those shoulders we stand on, can we wave some flags this coming week and thereafter. Personally, I refuse to let the flag be sullied, owned by idiots like the bone spurs ex president, who apparently only exists for his own self interest, a man enamored with mirrors that show no blemishes.

And would not it be wonderful if this would also lead to corporate leadership that thought patriotically, including relative to their personal and corporate obligations to pay their fair share of taxes — not just run some schmaltzy ad. And hey, maybe they could more thoughtful about their campaign dollars. And just because you could be a Jack Dorsey and escape to a French Polynesian island, doesn’t mean you should when the going gets tough. How hypocritical for folks to make their fortunes leveraging our political and economic systems and then taking their treasures everywhere else. Selfish, myopic, non communal behavior is very uncool, even in a hoodie. And if we could develop another JFK moment of “asking no what your country can do for you…” and people could move beyond the basics of respecting other people’s health with masks, distancing — and actually commit to national service. But that concept, national service, that is a conversation for another time, given our current crises.

So, from tech execs who hang out on their private islands while the democracy where they made their fortune, dissembles — to false patriots who wear flags and Viking hats. To media channels that seek drama, create and reinforce stereotypes, accept billions in campaign ads — take a thoughtful look in your own mirrors and do note some blemishes. Please?

Yes, patriotism is more about the service to the other, and to each other, broadly defined than symbols flashed and bused. So let’s work on that definition of service to the other, as we all, left and right — put our flags out on the porch and embrace what it should truly stand for — a united people, diverse and looking forward.




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